Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation q 3.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The internet as a whole helped me a lot whilst carrying out my research as I could compare different types of media to another. YouTube was helpful with my product research as well as comparing different types of teaser trailers and focusing on the specific conventions used within them. By comparing different teaser trailers I started noticing things that appeal and work well and things that are somewhat unnecessary to have.
I then started posting my work onto blogger and used it as a day to day diary of my work where I could keep all my notes and research in one place. My audience research questionnaire was both done on paper and via e-mail and it was much easier putting together the results from the emails.

To create my production piece I used a video camera and a tripod to make it stable and ensure a good quality shot. Using the camera on my own was a whole new experience for me as I was the actor in my group’s production piece last year I got to only record a few shots and use the camera at rare occasions. This meant that I struggled a little at the start with the features of the camera and how to position the tripod etc. however I managed to correct myself and get the best shots possible for my teaser trailer.

For both my magazine and film cover I used a SLR camera which gave the pictures good quality and made my production pieces look better.

I edited my teaser trailer using iMovie hd. As I had used iMovie in my last year’s production it was fairly straight forward to use except some of the features which I forgot about which included the slides in between shots. I created my magazine cover and film poster using adobe Photoshop which was a whole new experience as I had never used Photoshop before. After having several practise attempts at producing a magazine cover and film poster I managed to come up with two for my own production.

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