Friday 18 March 2011

Teaser trailers

127 Hours.

• The teaser trailer opens with production company tittle slates. Well known institutions Pathe and Fox searchlight.

• Wide shot of dessert to show viewers the isolation. Then the music starts and a man on a bike rides out. Whilst he is on riding a bike it cuts to other famous titles directed by “Danny Boyle”. This helps promote and sell the film.

• The trailer cuts from scene to scene of the characters experiences and gives us a bit more of an insight on the characters personal life.

• As the trailer goes on most of the shots are still of the dessert which suggests that this is the main location of the film.

• The trailer leaves the viewer intrigued in the end on whether the character gets saved or not.

The basement

• This is a conventional horror/thriller teaser trailer as it is fast paced and goes through some vital and key scenes of the film. The editing plays a key role as most of the scenes are fast phased as well as the music which builds up tension and leaves the viewer intrigued.

• The non-diegetic sounds of birds and bushes in the beginning give it an uneasy feeling as if some mishaps are bound to happen.

• The blood and injury’s to the characters suggest that there is a killer as well as the characters arguing and hints that one of the four main characters could actually be the killer.

• The teaser trailer hints at the narrative as it shows you that there are 4 characters which are being tormented by something or someone which is quite typical of a horror.

• I could use some of the shots and editing techniques in my own film as I plan to make a thriller/horror. I like the way the music speeds up and builds tension before suddenly coming to a close.

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